(waterlilies collected on a morning walk)
I will be taking a break from this blog for a little while.
It could be one month or it could be five, I can not say. Right now, I have other things going on that are demanding my full attention. My blog is feeling like just one more thing on my 'to do' list... that's not right. This is my happy place.
I want to thank my followers and my regular readers for stopping by, when I return you will be the first to know. I'll still be cooking and blogging over at my other blog, 'jelly, peaches and ice-cream'. My words for 2012 are simple and slow. I will be cooking (attempting) more foods from scratch, so if you are interested, pop over and take a peek.
We have started having breakfast meetings in our house, discussing our day and talking about what is happening with each person; at school, after school, etc. Lists are made and plans are discussed. Over breakfast last week, I asked the children to tell me one thing they wanted for our family life this year.
"Don't go on the computer" was Spunky Monkey's reply.
How could argue with that?