"The Folk of the Faraway Tree" was the only Enid Bylton book I ever read as a child. I read and re-read it. I loved it. My well thumbed 1980's paperback is on our bookshelf along with the one above and two other copies. I really love the colourful illustrations throughout this one. Perfect for reading to smaller children.
I scanned a couple of the books I brought home from Mr Moo's parents this week. Such vibrant colours. I found another one hiding at the bottom of the box. All of the covers were illustrated by different people. I think they are just great.

On a totally unrelated subject. Do you think that 25 degrees is can be classed as winter? I don't think so.
It is 4:30pm and I am sweltering in jeans and a t-shirt right now.
Wonderful images, these are just great! I am jealous of your warm weather, btw!