Thursday, September 1, 2011


Last night when I woke up to Miss Moo Moo in the middle of the night, the soft, sweet scent of jasmine came drifting through my bedroom window to greet me.

Today I see that:

Spring has Sprung!

The sun is shining. We have happy 'sunshiny' music playing on the CD player - loud. We have been to the vegetable garden to inspect for slugs on the young lettuces. Miss Moo Moo has skipped off to Kindy in a floral dress.We have eaten apple pancakes.

A time for new beginnings. I love it.

(sorry about the slightly fuzzy photos, my camera seems to be on it's last legs - clunking and groaning into action most days. Santa if you are reading - a new camera is 'number one' on my christmas wish list)


  1. When I saw your photos I was going to say it looks like you have a dirty fingerprint on your lens...hehe...Photo's are still pretty, my jasmine is out too, Lovely! Welcome to Spring!

  2. Beautiful jasmine, ours is not quite out, what a glorious day.

  3. Spring is a beautiful time, isn't it. I love your Jasmine. I have had 2 and both died. :(

  4. Mine is out in full bloom I love it however I find it so over powering at night.



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