Thursday, April 21, 2011

Easter Bonnet Parade

Yesterday morning we had friends over to make Easter bonnets. Before they arrived the kids help set up the decorating table. There was a lot of excitement. They selected a hat for each person and wrote the person's name on a place card that sat on each hat.

Thrifted straw hats, glitter eggs, flowers, multi-coloured craft pom poms, fluffy chickens, re-purposed ribbons and wrapping tape, pipe-cleaner piggy tails and pink fluffy chickens.

The decorating begins.

It was lovely to see the individuality of each childs creation. It was so much fun. I have one bit of advice: do this outside. The craft glue fumes were pretty toxic. While the bonnets dried, we ate a yummy lunch outside, the sun had come out just in time.

There was an Easter bonnet parade of sorts, as everyone, including the mums, put on our hats and walked through the house and out the into the backyard for a group photo.

I think we might have just started another Easter tradition. Such fun!



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