We had a lovely weekend, staying close to home.
Poppy and Tiya Ning came to visit. We ate very yummy scrambled eggs with sourdough toast for breakfast. My Grandmother came for morning tea, we ate jam tarts and dutch almond cookies. On Saturday night we had a simple barbecue followed by ice-cream with homemade chocolate sauce. Mr Moo and Spunky Monkey slept in the tent in the backyard, the girls slept inside in the 'big bed'. (our bed)
Both days, I was able to fit in an afternoon nap and last night we went to a friends place for dinner. We were treated to a delicious corned beef from her parents farm. Served with white sauce and boiled vegetables, just the way my Nana used to make it. And for dessert, a very yummy apple crumble and custard. Comfort food at it's best. Happy children, a lovely night. Thank-you Prue.

Here are a couple of simple recipes I made on Saturday night.
Maitre d'Hotel Butter
• 125 grams unsalted butter (softened)
• 1 tables. chopped parsley
• 1 teas. lemon zest
• 1 tables. lemon juice
• salt and pepper
Beat all of the ingredients together. Season to taste. Place onto a piece of foil and shape into a log shape about 5cm round. Freeze until ready to serve. Cut 1 cm rounds from the log, remove the foil and place on top of steak (or also good with fish)
This recipe is from an old Margaret Fulton cookbook.
Chocolate Fudge Sauce
(make 1 1/2 cups)
• 375 gram tin condensed milk
• 125 grams dark chocolate (not 70 percent cocoa)
• 1/2 teas. vanilla extract
Put all of the ingredients in a small saucepan and stir over a gentle heat until the chocolate is melted and the ingredients well combined. Pour over ice-cream. Yum!
This recipe has been adapted from a recipe in an old Delicious magazine
You surely didn't go hungry this weekend..sounds like a lotta fun!