Friday, September 9, 2011

One day until someone turns five

We have just finished decorating 30 cupcakes to take along to Kindy this morning. It is Miss Moo Moo 5th birthday tomorrow and I am the 'mummy helper' at Kindy today. So... let there be cake.

Miss Moo Moo had been very specific about the cupcakes: chocolate with chocolate icing and white sprinkles. After going to three shops (the things you do) the best I could do was pink and white sprinkles. She is a little worried that the boys won't want to eat them. One of her little friends, Master D, does not like pink at all and she is worried he won't want one. I am confident that he will.

I cooked the cupcakes yesterday but half way through baking the power went off for hours, completely upsetting my day (no oven, no mixmaster, no phone, no computer, no re-heated lasagne for lunch and no cups of tea) I finished baking as dinner was being prepared. It was all too crazy to be decorating cupcakes before bed. But it is done now and we are ready for another busy day: Kindy, grocery shopping, school pick up, more cooking: baking and dinner and then we are out to a school concert tonight.

And sometime after all of that, I'd better wrap Miss Moo Moo's birthday present. Opps!


  1. Such a mammoth job. I don't look forward to having to do this one day!! But lets be honest, I'll probably buy a slab cake from Coles haha!!!

    Make sure you join into my giveaway!

  2. Happy Birthday Missy Moo Moo XO Big Hugs :)

  3. happy birthday miss moo moo, my middle one has his 7th birthday tommorrow - requested icecream cake.

  4. Oooo Happy Birthday little Miss Moo Moo. When I'm better we will bring around a special gift. And the cupcakes look amazing as always! xoxox
    P.S: This is a little 'Ray' of Sunshine



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