Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Our weekend update: part two

Part two: Maleny Dairies

Despite being one of the coldest days we have had this year and almost getting peed on by Devinia the milking cowing, we had an amazing couple of hours at the Maleny dairies on Saturday.

Firstly, this place is beautiful. The colours of the day were lolly bright: blue skies and rolling green hills. But on Saturday, icy winds whipped across the mountain top, my hands were numb and I found myself stamping on the ground trying to keep warm.

As our tour got started we got to meet a beautiful, obliging, Guernsey cow called Devinia. She let us all pat her and we were able to taste some of her milk. The kids didn't want to try it, but for me it was fantastic.

I was instantly transported back to my Nana's farm and the cold misty mornings when my uncle would bring the fresh milk up from the dairy. I'm ashamed to say it now, but I hated fresh cows milk back then. To me (a townie) milk was suppose to be white. I didn't like that hot creamy milk on my cornflakes, and often ate toast instead.

Now that I know better...... I want a house cow! That milk was so yummy.

Then we got to feed the baby goats and calves. So much fun.

We all had a go with the milk bottles, except for Spunky Monkey. He wasn't that interested and just wanted to wander off into the paddock instead.

Miss Moo Moo loooved it. She was a natural. She is the real animal lover of the family. If she had it her way she would have got a kitten for her birthday.

When she wasn't feeding this little goat she would just pat his soft, soft coat.

"Mum he is so soft. He is so sweet"

Mr Moo is feeding Penny the calf. The calves were quiet a bit stronger than the little goats, and complete guts. This little one ended up with the hiccups, which was pretty cute.

The old farmers hut is now a chicken house. However the cheeky bantam chickens spend all day wandering the open fields. Who could blame them.

At the end of the tour we got to taste some of the yummy Maleny Dairy products. There was no need to convert us on their milk, we already buy this product. But I was impressed by the flavoured milks. We never buy flavoured milk, but tasting these flavoured milks took me again, back to my childhood. Of days when I would sit in cafe booth seats with my parents and drink flavoured milk straight from the ice cold metal milkshake container.

We left with one of each flavour; strawberry, chocolate and coffee.

1 comment:

  1. You must come for a farm stay next week, pat the baby lambs and cuddle the cute little baby chick!
    Pick some fresh peas from the garden and enjoy a nice glass of Woolworths milk!!! Hope you can make it! :)



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