Friday, November 4, 2011

Our week


This is the second year that we have celebrated Halloween in our house. It was CRAZY! We had friends over for dinner, who were happy to join in the madness (or so they say). There were so many Trick or Treaters at our door that it took over half and hour to get the food from the oven to the table. In the end, I had the guests handing out the Halloween lollies, just so we could sit down to eat.

And then came the tears.

Spunky Monkey had wanted to go Treat or Treating. We had already invited our friends over for dinner, so I had told him that we would go next year. But as soon as he saw some of his school friends at our door. That was the end!!! I won't go into it here, but lets just say he was very upset.

Like I said, the night was crazy. Fun, but exhausting. I know now, what things I will do differently for next year, as I had written last year, "I guess we will work out what best suits our family for this new tradition as time goes on."

So much for my final day of Blogtoberfest. As soon as we had tucked the little monkey monsters into bed, I, myself fell (literally fell) into bed. Blogtoberfest forgotten.


Miss Moo Moo and I went to a friends house for lunch and to watch the Melbourne Cup. We had so much fun chatting, drinking champagne and eating (way to much) yummy food, that we forgot to turn on the race - Opps!


I was the Kindy mum on roster. This will be my last time (ever) that I will be helping out at Kindy and it's a little sad. A bit of a wake up call too, the school term is almost over and next year 'my baby' will be starting school. Where have the last five years gone?


Grocery shopping, washing and baking. Grandma came for afternoon tea and left with a pile of fabric to make Miss Moo Moo some summer dresses. We also went to the library.


I have written out my Christmas presents list and have been doing a bit of on-line window shopping. I might have some lunch now and curl up with this book until school pick up

I hope you have a great week too.

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