This week the kids have gone back to school.
Actually, Miss Moo Moo has just started.
She was very excited about starting school. On Monday morning while I was still at the breakfast table, she disappeared. She soon re-appeared, dressed in her school uniform, socks, shoes and hat (it was raining - it was 7:00am) She had her lunch and drink bottle in her bag and her bag was in her hand ready to go. She had cleaned her teeth and brushed her hair.
I wish I could say that Spunky Monkey has the same enthusiasm. This morning it took me over half an hour to get him to get himself dressed, then he carried on about his sock feeling funny for almost 45 minutes.
Miss Moo Moo has made a best friend. They clicked within the first five minutes of day one and have been inseparable ever since. Running up and hugging each other on arrival and drawing little pictures for each other. How lovely to be five.
We have been loving and hating the rain.
Loving: crumble and custard for dessert, yummy soups for dinner and for lunch, an excuse to go to
the movies again, splashing in puddles after school, hot chocolate and cookies for afternoon tea, snuggling up in bed in the mornings to read before breakfast, long slow cooked roasts.
Hating: get soaked at school pick-up despite having umbrellas and raincoats, too many damp towels, tea towels dishcloths and washers piling up in the laundry, local flooding, missing out on a traditional Aussie barbecue on Australia day, mould all over the outdoor furniture, including our daybed mattress and cushions.
I have started reading
this book. I borrowed it from the library just before Christmas, I read half of the introduction and went on line to buy it immediately. I have only this week had a chance to sit down with it.
I think it is a 'must read'.
I know that I need to simplify the things in our home (oh my, the stuff!) both for my own sake and the children's. This book tells why it is so very important.
I have just discovered there is also a website, you can take a look
Yesterday we celebrated Australia day. We started our day with barbecued bacon and egg burgers for breakfast (yes, is it actually stopped raining just long enough) But with all of our
usual traditions canceled, we took Mr Moo to the cinema to see
'The Muppets'. The rest of the day was pretty quiet with a nap, some sewing, a bit of gardening in the rain and an early dinner.
I have spent some quiet moments stitching. It's been a while.
And I spent a day in the kitchen preserving this box of tomatoes that I had bought locally for just $4.00.
Unfortunately the day ended at 4:45pm in disaster!
Today I've already had a doctors appointment and later today I have a dentist appointment. We need to return overdue library books after school, a 20 minute drive away and grab something on the way home to make a simple dinner.
Tomorrow and Sunday I am planning to fall into a heap,
and maybe some more reading.
Have a lovely weekend.