Friday, March 1, 2013

Our February days

February always seems to fly by.

I find that it isn't until March that things settle down and we are able to find a rhythm for the new year.

What have we been doing over the last month? There has been lots of rain...

There were 'big bulk baking' days.

There were 'teddy bears picnic' days.

There were 'surprise package' days.

There were pancakes for Pancake Day.

There were 'library' days.

There were 'chocolate cake' days.

 There was a Valentines Day dinner out.

There were 'lego' days.

There were 'popcorn and movie' days.

There were 'op shop' days.

There were 'shopping for new babies' days

There was a Chinese New Year dinner party, just us. (you can read all about it here)

There were 'hot chocolate' days, even though it wasn't actually cold.

And there were 'de-cluttering and re-organising' days.

Well now, about de-cluttering and re-organising. Remember this post and all that talk about the 'year of the homemaker'. Before I am able to go to far down that path, I must de-clutter. It is paramount that I do this. To clear some space in both my home and my thoughts. When I am not feeling overwhelmed by 'stuff', I know that the other things I want to be doing (baking bread, making soap and focusing on my vegetable garden) will come easily.

So I have started de-cluttering and reorganising. The problem: I really have years of 'stuff' to sort through. But it has started, and that's a good thing. I'll give you an update when I can.

How have you spent you February days?


  1. Good luck with the decluttering. It can be a big job! Your February looks like it has been treasure filled.

    1. Thanks Kate, I am not doing so well with the de-cluttering. Some days I'm in a throw it out mood and others times I just put things aside (just in case!) I'm going through my walk in wardrobe at the moment. The clothes are not the only problem in there, I am also sorting all of the things (boxes) that have ended up piled on the floor in there. Too much stuff!!!


  2. Oh goodness I hear you about the decluttering. I spent weeks in January getting to the bottom of my clutter (and that was only round one) but like you I just needed to clear some space so I could get on with other things and it worked.

    Hey those pancakes look so yummy - guess what I might have to make tomorrow.

    1. Yes, I understand what you are saying about 'round one' in regards to de-cluttering. That's what I am currently doing. Putting things together is a good start. Recipes, children's drawings, mending pile, op shop box, crafting projects, etc. It's exhausting and time consuming. I'm blaming the kids - boy oh boy, they have a lot of stuff!


  3. Looks like a great your pics. Love your party draw too...
    Oh and Nice rocks!

  4. Yes, I am very excited about my party drawer, I had this stuff stashed in 3 different places in the house. I love it altogether, so inspired was I, that we have organised a girly afternoon tea in a couple of weeks time. I think we will use some pretty patty cake papers and paper straws that I had forgot I had even bought. (wish you and your girls could come:))

    Having said all this, I might have to move it to a different cupboard, Spunky Monkey has spotted it and I have seen patty papers and cocktail umbrellas disappearing and coming out of his room in the form of craft. Honestly his hands are in that drawer every five minutes!


  5. Yum - lemon and honey pancakes - one of my fav.

    Good luck with the de-cluttering. Its one of my least fav tasks.

    And thank you for sharing your love of the library over at my blog. I love your idea of the library book table. Brilliant! That's sort of what we are doing - with a shelf on a little bookshelf - but when I have the space I think I'll go for your table idea :-)

  6. I know EXACTLY how you feel - I seem to have 100 projects floating around in my head an a vision of how my 'ideal days' would be... filled with time for cooking, crafting, spending more time out and about with my girls etc etc. but I feel bogged down by all the rooms I want to sort through and de-clutter first. So, I'm taking slow small steps and tackling one room at a time... last week it was our ensuite which now contains only things we use, need and love. Next up is my laundry. Good luck with all your sorting and de-cluttering! x

    1. Hi Amanda,

      Thanks for all of your lovely comments this morning. My husband is taking the kids away for a few days next week and that’s what I intend to do - room by room. I still seem a little all over the place, but sorting through in baby steps. The more I do, the easier getting rid of things seem to get. Right now in my hall is a box for the op shop, a box for friends, a box to sell, and a box to throw out. Last night I sorted through my tupperware cupboard and threw out about twenty lids that fitted nothing! I can’t wait to do more. It’s a good feeling:)




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