Thursday, September 9, 2010

Farm eggs and baked custard

Last week, when we were on the farm we swapped some of our homegrown passionfruit's and banana's for these fresh farm eggs, collected by Spunky Monkey on the morning that we left.

I had this pudding dish desperate to be used and this recipe book ready and waiting full of yummy goodness. I had wanted to make the baked custard recipe in the 'how to cook' section. I had never cooked one before, in truth I was a little scared of it.

But yesterday afternoon with big pot of chicken soup on the stove and just enough farm eggs left to make it, it seemed like to perfect time to try. The kids got involved and saw that there was a chocolate option. So that was the one we made. Baked chocolate custard. It was delicious and easy peasy. I think I might be making another one this week for Miss Moo Moo's birthday dinner.

I was happy with my new Gordon Ramsay pudding dish that I had bought a while back from 'Buyster'. It looked great coming out to the table, a definite improvement to my old pudding dish. And maybe even more important, it was easy to clean. Not at all like the quiche and baking dish incident that I had recently, I won't go into it, but lets just say, the dish was soaking in the sink for days!

I've been looking on 'Buyster' again today and after watching Jamie Oliver's cooking show in Spain last week, I am eyeing off this paella pan. What do you think?
Si, por favor.


Welcome to my newest follower, Melissa.

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