Thursday, April 15, 2010

Magic eyes

'Imagination is more important than knowledge' (Albert Einstein)

(these pictures are from the book "Fish is Fish", I got this book from Santa when I was at Pre-school. It's always been a favourite of mine and now is much loved by my children too.)

Yesterday morning Spunky Monkey asked me, if his Dad could cut a pine cone in half so that he could see what it looked like inside. But then...

"No Mum, it's OK, I already know what it looks like."

"How? have you see one cut in half before?"

"No Mum, I have magic eyes, I can close my eyes and I can see it now, what the pine cone looks like inside. You know, Mum that's called imagination, it usually happens at night but it can happen in the day. Like now, I can see a fish jumping up out of the water. I can see him talking to me."

Then last night, he was explaining imagination to Mr Moo. They were on the couch watching TV.

"You see Dad, now we are watching TV, and now the TV is not there!"

I am in love with imagination :)

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