Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Vintage dreams

Have you seen these beautiful cards in the Lark Christmas Catalogue. Oh, my! They remind me so much of the picture that hung on my bedroom wall as a child. In a similar style to these cards, the painting was of five little girl ballerina's. They were getting ready for a concert, tying up there ballet shoes, laughing and practicing their moves. I had a favourite, and naturally I wanted to be her.

So here is my sad story....

This picture was still in my childhood home, long after I had left. When the house was sold about eight years ago, I took it to keep for my daughter, if I had one. It moved houses with us at least five times. Then when I was eight and a half months pregnant with Miss Moo Moo (I did not know she was a girl) I took the picture to the charity shop.

Pregnancy hormones can make you do crazy things. I sat in a chair on the front lawn of our old house as the moving men just kept coming and coming and coming with stuff we had stored in the garage for the year that we had lived in this house. I sat there for about five hours and wondered, what is all of this stuff!?!

At the time, it seemed like the right time to declutter. Boxes of saved jars and bric brac where jammed into the back of the car, along with my ballet girls picture and the dolls bed my father had made for me when I was a child (it needed to be restored). Off to the op shop I went.

Now my daughter is the same age I was, when I remember tucking my Wendy doll into the dolls bed next to mine. I then looked up at the ballet girls as I crawled into my own bed, smiling as I drifted off to sleep, dreams filled with twirling.

At least we still have the Wendy doll, who is more than happy to be tucked into bed on her pillow mattress on the floor.


  1. I always wanted to be one of those ballerinas too, was I the yellow one or the pink one??

  2. I'm sure I would have chosen to be the one in pink!

  3. Those cards are gorgeous.

    I can so relate to your picture story. Clutter is a funny thing isn't it. Sometimes it just gets too much and you have to get rid of stuff.

    I have a smilar regret with a few bags of fabric scraps that belonged to my Gran. The scraps were from years of making dresses and dolls clothes for her grandchildren - so many of the fabrics were very familar to me. I had planned to make a quilt one day. I moved the bags from hose to house for years....and when in the middle of a 'I'm never going to sew again' mood I donated them to the opp shop!



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