Monday, May 23, 2011

My little trickster

Spunky Monkey has a very cute sense of humour. On the weekend he cut out this picture from the supermarket junk mail, he then came into me with a large plate and asked me to help him stick his picture to the plate.

"I'm going to trick daddy"

So he went into his father who was sleeping and said

"Wake up daddy, we have made you a cake"

What do you think? I'd jump out of bed for it.


  1. ha ha I was fooled, he has a great sense of humour.

  2. Ha ha, that's brilliant! I love his sense of humour. Tell him to pop over to my blog, I have a feeling he might like the cake I made on Friday! X

  3. That's hilarious! What a cute guy.

  4. Cute, I too was tricked, thought he was loosing it off the plate...Great expression! Well done Spunky Monkey, you little trickster....



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