Saturday, June 11, 2011

Dreaming of long bike rides in the country

Since taking the trainer wheels off of my son's bike a month ago, he has spent nearly every day on his bike. When I'm cooking dinner, when I'm hanging the washing or even when I'm trying to take a shower, he is standing by my side asking can he have a bike ride. This is all very good, except I don't have a bike and Miss Moo Moo is not very good at riding yet. Not to mention, Spunky Monkey is not at all road smart.

I'm a little jealous, I love bike riding.

Late one afternoon over the Easter holidays, Mr Moo and I went for a beautiful bike ride along the coastline near my Dad's place. It was so much fun. I spent my childhood and teenage years practically attached to my bike and was I shocked to realise that it has been over ten years since I had last ridden. Lucky it is just like riding a bicycle (sorry).

So my goal for the next 6 months is to get Miss Moo Moo good enough on her bike so that Santa can deliver new bikes for Christmas.

one for me

one for the man in my life

Bikes are from papillionaire


  1. I was only just saying yesterday evening about how much fun bike riding would be..But like you we have no bikes either. It must be bike riding weather, with a bit of a nip in the air.

    That first picture is beautiful.


  2. Maybe you could buy one for your Birthday, that would be a nice Treat. Have a Lovely Day :)



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