Thursday, June 23, 2011

Love and hot waterbottle covers

A friend recently pointed out to me, that I had only crossed one thing off of my 2011 craft 'to do' list.

We are already half way through the year.

Had I lost my crafting mojo?

Yes, I had a little.

I don't know if was the need to clear things up around the house or the cold weather? Maybe a bit of both, but last week I picked up a needle and thread and started mending a few soft toys. I found the stitching therapeutic and looked to see what else needed attending to in my long neglected craft basket

Before I could even look at the long list in my sidebar, I needed to complete a few half finished seasonal crafts. I did not want them still sitting on the desk next year.

Above are some Valentine's love hearts that will decorate the house next February. Spunky Monkey and Miss Moo Moo were responsible for the flower drawings that I had stitched onto the hearts. These had been stitched and just needed to be sewn and filled.

There were also five little felt Easter egg decorations that were meant to decorate our Easter tree this year. The children had picked out the coloured felt and buttons and discussed their designs at Easter time. I just didn't get around to sewing on the buttons or sewing them up.

More autumn decorations. These again, had been embroidered but never sewn up. I found them in the bottom of the sewing basket.

And now for something from the list. Hot water bottle covers. Just in time too, last night was our coldest night this winter.

I started these last year. I just made up the pattern, inspired by a Japanese book (I think) I wouldn't recommend you make up your own pattern, unless you know what you are doing - I don't! It took me four times longer than it would have if I had just looked for a pattern.

Now that my little boy is a big six year old and not a cute little five year old, I am left wondering at my fabric choice. Oh well, it will be fine, they are only for bedtime snuggles after all. Made from vintage flannelette collected years ago, I'm sure they will do their job well.

I made this embroidered cushion for our family room. You may recognise this picture, it is a picture drawn by my son a while back. I had made it into an apron but I only have worn it once. I didn't want it stained with oil and tinned tomatoes.

Yes, I am a messy cook.

So I had a re-think and voila, this morning I turned it into a cushion. It's only been sitting on the couch for 2 hours, but already I love it.

This family hand print embroidery was finished ages ago, but I've just hung it on the wall. It's hung in our playroom. For along time this large wall sat blank, I'm loving how it is coming along, unplanned and random, things that I love: both made and collected.

I did start another project today, but you will have to wait until next week to see that one.

If you want to see some more creative spaces, go over to
our creative spaces and be inspired.


  1. Tis great to finish off WIP and then sit back and enjoy them.

  2. Very nice projects! ..and yes, I believe hadicraft; stitching is very good and therapeutic! Wish you a nice weekend! Eva

  3. How mightily wonderful to tie off all those loose ends and complete things. Very inspiring!

  4. wow! I haven't yet checked out your list, but you seem to have definitely made a great start. I love your little felty decos and the embroidered handprints are very sweet. As is your cushy... well done! Also good to see I'm not the only one who likes to keep their seasonal "tree" up all year long!

  5. The hearts got my attention, the leaves were inspired, but it was the family hand prints that won my heart!
    I know what you mean about to do lists for the year... I think I have stopped looking at mine. Maybe I should start again.

  6. I love the cushion of your son's drawing, so special, glad you are getting your mojo back.

  7. Haven't you been busy, Love the Valentines and Easter Decor, better late than never! Just think how organised you are now for next year! :)
    I do like the finished hand prints! It's all very very Lovely! Very Inspired.

  8. I am completely taken with the idea of the family hand print! How clever are you!



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