Sunday, November 21, 2010

West Side Story

On the weekend, Mr Moo and I took ourselves off to see West Side Story. It was fantastic. It has been at least eight years since we have been to the theatre together.

I can't even remember want we last saw. An opera perhaps? I guess a lot has happen in eight years!


  1. I bet the songs are still in your head!! I'm not into musicals (my sister was a singer, dancer, drama queen, so i was tortured to attend way too many as a teenager) but i used to work for an oil company who sponsored a symphany orchestra & take my baby along (when i only had 1, like 10 years ago) it was beautiful. Love Posie

  2. I love musicals, the last one I've seen in London was Les Miserables-beautiful performance but what I enjoyed the most was the show "Mamma Mia" -delicious :) have you seen it?



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