Monday, November 1, 2010

Our first Halloween

After tonight, I promise, no more posts about Halloween!

It was a few days of happy chaos, but we made it to our first Halloween. It was lots of fun, but also strange at the same time, as this is something very new to us.

The kids had soooo much fun, choosing costumes, discussing what spooky food to cook and decorating the house. We read spooky stories by candlelight and night after night was spent in the dark bedroom, with glowing fang teeth and glowing ghosts. There was hiding in cupboards and scaring one another. There was a lot happy screaming and laughter.

The biggest surprise was probably the Trick or Treaters, of which, there were many. Two years ago, three little ghosts knocked on our door and asked, "trick or treat?". I had to turn them away empty handed. Then last year we had two groups of children come to our door. I think I broke a couple of chocolate bars in half to give to them. So, I was prepared this year and stocked up with spooky bites, dead pirates loot and blood sucker lollipops. I think I lost count at 15 knocks at the door. I couldn't believe it! And I am not talking about two or three kids at the door, I'm talking about a mob!

So, it seems, we are well on the way to celebrating Halloween in this country, like it or not.

We did like it. It was a bit of fun. The one thing that I can't get my head around is the trick or treat thing (for my own kids). I guess we will work out what best suits our family for this new tradition as time goes on.

1 comment:

  1. AFter seeing all this I definitely need to make an effort next year. Lucky for us we had no trick or treaters come to our door, they would have left empty handed - yikes !



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