Miss Moo Moo and I loved our little road trip together.
Here are some reason's why girly road trips are so much fun:
• you can stop at op shops and antique shops and you can stay for a chat with the owner
• you can take detours to small country towns just because you like the name of them
• you can stop for photos of cows on busy roads
• you can listen to
gypsy music very loud on lonely country roads
• you can miss a turn off and that's OK
• you can drive 20 minutes down one road, then decide that you would rather go a different way instead, so you turn around and go back. And that is OK too.
• you can look at bride books while waiting for you lunch to arrive
• there is more bad 'road trip' food for you, boys take such big handfuls
• no one is stressed out when your 'fuel empty' light goes on and your not sure how far the next country town is.
• no one is stressed out when you must be back home by 3:00pm to collect Spunky Monkey from school and you stop at one last antique shop (and have a chat)
• it doesn't matter if it is 5:30pm and your a stuck in peak hour Toowoomba traffic with no accommodation booked for the night
• mummy's have more tolerance for
Justine Clarke (but definitely not for 3 whole days)
To give you an idea of how we spent our time. Our first morning away went something like this:
6:30am: we woke up to see the fog spreading across the countryside
7:30am: we were propped up with pillows in our cosy bed, each with a chocolate chip cookie from the tea tray. Me with a cup of tea. Miss Moo Moo with a cup of long life milk. Me with a Country Style Magazine and Miss Moo Moo with ABC kids.
8:30am: we shared a hot bath together - no mad school rush on this day
9:30am: We were sitting in the sun eating an very yummy
You get the picture. Heaven.
It was lovely being in the country and seeing all the old houses. Their are not many houses like this where we live. Look at this one, someone has just restumped it and is about to start renovating it. I wish it was me.
Old houses: we ate lunch in some, drank cappuccino's in some, looked at antiques in some, took pictures of some and even looked in one that was for sale. Miss Moo Moo told me I had to stop saying "so old, so cute!"
And a few things that we saw on our road trip (we must tell the boys): 27 army vehicles, a yowie statue, a deer (?), a giant concrete ostrich, a little gruffalo, it was definitely not a statue, I did not see this one, and a toilet hanging in a tree. I did see that one.
Maybe next road trip the boys can come. I will be able to do a whole lot more looking out of the window and I might just see a gruffalo!