This morning, bright and early we had some soil delivered. This weekend we have plans to spend in the garden. It is well overdue for some tender love and care. Some trimming back and much weeding needs to be done. Our main goal is to extend our vegetable patch so we can produce some more food.
At the moment we have some very happy lettuces, lettuces and herbs have always been very kind to us. But we are wondering, if we actually put a little more effort into our garden, could we produce more? We are a little clueless, and usually go for the "lets plant it and see what happens" approach. Even though we have a very small suburban block. I want to do more.
Unfortunately the weather has had other plans for us today. It is pouring rain. Mr Moo has moved all of the dirt in the rain while the kids have run about getting filthy. As for me, I have put together a collection of photos and the story of our vegetable garden so far.
I will start from the beginning.
On a sunny day back in July we re-vamped our long neglected vegetable garden. It had lay dormant for almost a year, after our dreadful summer when nothing survived. The vegetable patch had been taken over by a huge patch of oregano and nine paw paw trees, that had grown up from the compost. We ripped out all of the weeds and half of the oregano. We moved all but 3 paw paw trees into another part of the garden. Next it was a trip to the market for seedlings.
We planted french beans, baby carrots, heirloom beetroot, cherry tomatoes, roma tomatoes and capsicum. And herbs: dill, parsley, rosemary, mint and thyme.
In August we bought a couple of punnets of mixed lettuce from our local market and added them to our garden.
By mid September there was at lot of new growth in the garden - things were looking promising.
We even had a stray tomato bush growing up between the concrete and the fence.
' No snails allowed' signs were made.
By late September we were, and still are, picking lettuces and herbs daily.
Two weeks ago we picked our
pineapple. And last week we enjoyed a small harvest of
It's a start, however I am aspiring to bigger and better things.
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