Sunday, October 30, 2011
Day Thirty: New seedlings
Rainbow chard, purple beans, climbing beans, lebanese cucumbers, mixed cucumbers, okra, parsley, chives, garlic chives, kale, shallots, watermelon, roma tomatoes, watercress, zucchini's, rosella's, elderflower, chillies, sorrel, rocket, aloe vera and corn.
We have been planting our new seedlings today.
I think I got a little over excited at the markets and forgot that I live on a small suburban block. Oops!
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new vegetable seedlings
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Day Twenty Nine: Today
We carved our Halloween pumpkin.
We bought new seedlings for our extended garden.
We have been enjoying the new blooms in our garden.
We have been reading these books.
We ate freshly made double chocolate muffins for afternoon tea.
We have been watching this dvd.
We cooked a traditional lamb roast for dinner.
I hope you have had a lovely Saturday too.
Take a look here to see who else is participating in blogtoberfest.
making muffins,
roast lamb,
Friday, October 28, 2011
Day Twenty Eight: No excuses
I'm sorry that I haven't posted for the last two days. There are no excuses.
My spring cleaning has lead me to the most dreaded room in our house - our office/craft room.
My fabric stash has been overdue for a clean out for a while now. I haven't been able to fit any new fabric into the designated fabric cupboard for over six months. A simple solution would be to stop buying. Yes! Easier said than done. Instead I have sorted and sorted and sorted over the last two days. I have filled two large boxes with fabric that has either been thrifted or given to me. Fabric that I may never use, synthetics and wild patterns, that could come in useful for costumes or handmade softies. So two boxes have gone to the garage to be stored. Just in case.
I have three boxes lined up in the hallway. One, a small box of fabric that I could use to make Spunky Monkey some pj pants. A larger box filled with lots of pinks floral offcuts for Miss Moo Moo. Most of them with just enough fabric to make some lazy day skirts, summer dresses or nighties. And a huge box, huge! filled with fabric for me. Quirky thrifted fabrics that I love or lengths of fabric (thrifted or bought at half price sales) that could be turned into summer dresses. What is the point of piles and piles of fabric lost in my fabric stash, when I could turn it into my much needed new summer wardrobe.
Oh my, what I mess I had. No wonder I had lost my crafting mojo. Now my fabric cupboard is filled only with fabrics that I love, love, love. Mainly vintage. It's so organised, I can't stop looking at it. I have also spent my time colour coordinating buttons, ribbons and trims. Embroidery threads (also colour coordinated) and hoops have a new home and I have finally found my tape measure. I have made a fairly ambitious list of things I want to make/craft now that I actually know where to find things.
So I am 90 percent finished with my fabrics. However today I will move on the the paper problem in this room. Piles of paper are on every surface: floor, desk, shelves and cupboards.
Recipes, filing, children's art work, recipes, library books, print outs of craft projects, recipes, to do lists, to do lists from 3 weeks ago, recipes, board games, cardboard for craft, unopened mail, papers to scan, photos, and recipes. I also have two big boxes of books on the floor, either thrifted or given to us that are looking for a new home somewhere in our home.
Wish me luck I might not see the light of day .... for days!
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Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Day Twenty Five: A day at the beach
Today it was off to the beach for Spunky Monkey's school excursion.
It's been a long day and I have had a bit too much sun. While I was running around looking after my little group, re-applying sunscreen and making sure that they had drunk enough water, I completely forgot about myself. I am sunburnt and have a headache from not drinking enough. I will be more prepared for the long summer months ahead - I have learnt my lesson.
Rock pools, cone shells, sea cucumbers, collecting litter, face masks, magnifying discs, binoculars, sea creature talks, bird life talks, shell collecting (and shell returning), baby prawns, net fishing and hermit crabs.
There couldn't have been a better 'first ever' school excursion for my little boy.
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Monday, October 24, 2011
Day Twenty Four: A reminder
This week Spunky Monkey will go on his 'first ever' school excursion. A reminder notice came home with him from school today.
I love it. (I will translate)
• hat, school uniform, shoes
• sunscreen
• water
• fruit
• lunch
• Be at school at 8:30 am
I will be a mummy helper for the day. When I told our little Grade One friend that I was going, she was really sad. Her mother will have to work and cannot go.
Seeing her reaction made me realise how lucky I am to be able to go along and how much it means to our children.
Perhaps I better make more effort to get to school for reading hour!
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Sunday, October 23, 2011
Day Twenty Three: Flea market finds
This morning we visited the Annual Fair at a local retirement village. We wandered the stalls of jams, cakes and Nana handicrafts as we listened to the old ladies choir. But most importantly, we were there for bric brac.
Admittedly, it was slim pickings, luckily we went early and acted fast. I am very happy with our finds. I also bought 2 retro aprons for a dollar each, but they are in need of a good soak in the wash. The children didn't leave empty handed either, beads, rocks, a key ring, barbie furniture and a vintage toy horse all found their way home with us.
I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am by this pair of breakfast plates and cups. I love the pattern, I love the detail, I love how fine they are, I love that there is two and I love that they only cost me $1.00.
I even love the friendly old gentleman that sold them to me.
More excitement. Fifteen souvenir, linen tea towels from Australia and around the world. Collected but not used.
Last week I vowed that I would not buy any more books (I ran out of bookshelf room long ago) But I didn't have these and I did need them, really I did.
A chamber pot for the lounge room, it's a pity I ran out of money or I could have picked up a cheap plant from the plant stall to go in it.
Go here, to see what other treasures have been found this week
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Saturday, October 22, 2011
Day Twenty Two: A day in the garden
This morning, bright and early we had some soil delivered. This weekend we have plans to spend in the garden. It is well overdue for some tender love and care. Some trimming back and much weeding needs to be done. Our main goal is to extend our vegetable patch so we can produce some more food.
At the moment we have some very happy lettuces, lettuces and herbs have always been very kind to us. But we are wondering, if we actually put a little more effort into our garden, could we produce more? We are a little clueless, and usually go for the "lets plant it and see what happens" approach. Even though we have a very small suburban block. I want to do more.
Unfortunately the weather has had other plans for us today. It is pouring rain. Mr Moo has moved all of the dirt in the rain while the kids have run about getting filthy. As for me, I have put together a collection of photos and the story of our vegetable garden so far.
I will start from the beginning.
On a sunny day back in July we re-vamped our long neglected vegetable garden. It had lay dormant for almost a year, after our dreadful summer when nothing survived. The vegetable patch had been taken over by a huge patch of oregano and nine paw paw trees, that had grown up from the compost. We ripped out all of the weeds and half of the oregano. We moved all but 3 paw paw trees into another part of the garden. Next it was a trip to the market for seedlings.
We planted french beans, baby carrots, heirloom beetroot, cherry tomatoes, roma tomatoes and capsicum. And herbs: dill, parsley, rosemary, mint and thyme.
In August we bought a couple of punnets of mixed lettuce from our local market and added them to our garden.
By mid September there was at lot of new growth in the garden - things were looking promising.
We even had a stray tomato bush growing up between the concrete and the fence.
' No snails allowed' signs were made.
By late September we were, and still are, picking lettuces and herbs daily.
Two weeks ago we picked our pineapple. And last week we enjoyed a small harvest of carrots.
It's a start, however I am aspiring to bigger and better things.
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a rainy day,
vegetable patch
Friday, October 21, 2011
Day Twenty One: The converted
Miss Moo Moo doesn't like tomatoes.
Well she didn't yesterday.
The first of our cherry tomatoes are starting to ripen in the garden. This morning, the children came running into me in the kitchen, breathless and excited. They were talking over each other trying to get their story out.
Then clearly and loudly, Miss Moo Moo spread out her arms and pronounced: "Just ate a tomato and I LOVED IT." (eyes popping wide)
Then she put both thumbs up in the air (she likes to be dramatic) "Homegrown - AWESOME DUDE!"
It's nice to see that she can see the value in homegrown.
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Thursday, October 20, 2011
Day Twenty: Every little bit helps
This is Amina, a beautiful mother of six and seller of yams
Last year I became a Kiva member, you may remember Jacqueline.
Today I have re-loaned to another small business. I find such inspiration from these entrepreneurs around the world, starting up businesses despite their circumstances. It is hard to choose just one.
Maybe you want to be a Kiva lender too? $25.00 is the minimum loan, that's not much really, and every little bit helps.
I have loaned to Amina who lives in Togo, West Africa. She requires the loan so that she is able to buy more stock to increase her sales at her market stall. Her goal is to give her children a better future.
Isn't that what we all want?
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Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Day Nineteen: By my bed
On my bed side table today:
Beautiful flowers from Grandma's garden.
And "A Home Companion". This morning I picked this book up from the library. I had reserved it back in May - finally, it's my turn! I can't wait to crawl into bed early tonight to start reading it.
What do you have on your bedside table?
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Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Day Eighteen: A sad day
Today was a sad day.
Our neighbours, little Miss M and little Miss A moved out. They are moving to Western Australia. Travelling across country by caravan. A big adventure for them, but they will be missed.
As we ate breakfast outside this morning it was a lovely surprise to see their heads pop up over the fence for a chat.
Later the girls came over and played all day while their parents did the last of the packing. We have just waved them off. Caught up in their excitement as they drove away, packed in like sardines, roof racks piled high and towing their vintage caravan. As they rounded the corner I could still hear Miss M laughing and yelling out the window "I'm so squashed, I can't breath"
Whatever will my kids do after school now?
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Monday, October 17, 2011
Day Seventeen: Missing out
Yesterday while I stayed home to bake a cake for our lunchtime barbecue. Mr Moo, Poppy, Tiya Ning and the kids went to the beach. I didn't mind staying home because today is a student free day in Queensland. I had planned a day at the beach with the kids. A yummy picnic, collecting shells and a play in the park.
But I missed out. On all the fun. I have woken today to horrible weather. Giant grey clouds, gusty winds and drizzling rain. Bummer.
Depressed about the situation, I decided to make chocolate french toast for breakfast.
Things are looking up.
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Sunday, October 16, 2011
Day Sixteen: Opps!
It appears I have skipped a beat.
Our easy day at home yesterday ended up being filled with visitors. It was lovely and mostly unplanned. Grandparents and more grandparents and even great grandparents. Friends and little school friends and neighbours and neighbours children.
So after tucking my little monkeys into bed far later than usual, I went for a quick shower and straight to bed myself.....
Without another thought to Blogtoberfest. - Opps!
So today, please accept these flowers as an apology.
These flowers that I picked this morning and that are now spilling out of tall vases around our house. These flowers that have been transferred from flower bed to flower bed each time that we have moved. Theses flowers that were in the garden of our first home when we bought it 12 years ago. Each year when these flowers bloom, where ever we are, they bring great joy.
I hope you are having a great Sunday. We will having more visitors for lunch. The sun is shining, the meat is marinating and the chocolate cake is in the oven.
Take a look here to see who else is participating in blogtoberfest.
family and friends,
Friday, October 14, 2011
Day Fourteen: making jam
Today I made strawberry jam.
Spunky Monkey was home sick from school. He helped out a little bit. But not a lot.
I haven't made this for years and I have been missing out!
Firstly, I love, love, love the sweet smell of strawberry jam as it cooks. However Spunky Monkey has a different opinion of the smell. He walked into the kitchen with his hand pitched on his nose, asking what stinks?
Secondly, the taste of fresh strawberry jam is to die for. For afternoon tea we made a batch of pikelets and lathered them with still warm strawberry jam.
Make some now. You won't regret it.
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Thursday, October 13, 2011
Day Thirteen: Is it summer already?
Tonight Miss Moo Moo was the first in our family to taste this seasons mangoes.
Mr Moo and I were too full from dinner and Spunky Monkey is sick. She had begged me to buy some at the shops this afternoon. She was in heaven, her tiny face turning orange in minutes.
Mangoes to me, mean summer. Is it really that close?
Is Christmas really that close!
This photo was taken last christmas holidays, my camera is on the charger tonight. But you get the picture - delicious.
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Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Day Twelve: Egg mayonnaise for lunch
Miss Moo Moo's favourite lunch right now is egg mayonnaise sandwiches.
Today we even made our own mayonnaise. Although Miss Moo Moo questioned it's authenticity
"That's not mayonnaise, it's not white"
We ate our sandwiches out on the grass in the shade of the trees. The warm spring breezes playing in our hair.
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Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Day Eleven: Harvest time
OK, so we won't be winning any prizes at the local show.
These are the first carrots that we (I) have ever grown. Obviously we have a lot to learn. I think seeds would be a better way to go. Just clumping a punnet of seedlings willie-nillie doesn't appear to get the best results. But I for one am happy that we were able to get a meal out of our carrots, truly, I hadn't expected it.
Despite their mutated appearance they were delicious roasted with wine, thyme and cumin seeds for dinner tonight.
Any tips on growing carrots? I'd love to hear from you.
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growing carrots,
harvesting carrots
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