Friday, October 29, 2010

When your dead and gone

Miss Moo Moo, was giving me a cuddle and kiss goodnight, tonight. She kissed my eyes and kissed my nose. Then, as I started to walk away, she grabbed my hand tighter and said:

"Mum, I love you so much. I'll look after you. I'll look after you when you are old."

I smiled, wondering where she had heard this. Then she grabbed at my dress and said:

"And when your dead Mum, I can cut this dress up."

I guess there is nothing like teaching your children about recycling!

Perhaps she has something in mind, like this fabulous dottie angel creation pictured above.

Talking about fabulous things...

I would like to welcome my two newest members. Inka Inari and Marie Nouvelle Studio. Two very beautiful blogs. Grab a cup of tea and take a look.


  1. oh this gave me quite the loveliest of chuckles! sounds just like my shed, a moment to melt a mother's heart and then the 'one liner' that follows :)
    thanks for giving me a morning smile...

  2. Oh so funny, she is a chip off the old block isn't she. It reminds me of when I was her age and asking my Nan "when you die Nan can I have all your jewellery" - I can't believe I said that.

  3. Hi, you've been so kind to mention me:) I thank you very much, and I wish you a lovely week-end. Maria



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