Miss Moo Moo had been my little helper last week, as I washed the plates, cups and glasses from our crockery cupboard.

My heart skipped a beat when I looked into the sink of soapy water. Both of us washing away at the same time. Sharing our duties. The fourth and fifth generation of women in our family to wash these fragile teacups.

Had they been washed by mothers, with their daughters at their side? Were they used daily or only for lavish afternoon teas and baby christenings? Had they been received as wedding gifts? Could the original owners, ever have imagined, that their china, would be passed on and on for more than 10o years?
Ah, nice thoughts.
ReplyDeleteThat's the way good porcelain should be looked after!
I enjoyed your sink soapy photos...it's always fun to wash treasures...better than ordinary washing up..exta special with your daughter.
ReplyDeleteWhat fun spending time with your daughter washing up such pretty cups that have shared many wonderful times, now they are yours to enjoy. Thank you for welcoming me to your blog too:)
ReplyDeleteLovely snapshot. A special memory.
ReplyDeleteI've saved all my Granny's old porcelain and have similar nostalgic moments. Isn't it lovely to wonder?
Beautiful pictures and what a lovely moment. Very special to think of so many hand thoughtfully turning the cups over as they are wiped clean. I just wanted to say a small thankyou for the lovely comments you have left on fourleaves and hope that you are keeping well in QLD at the moment.:)
ReplyDeleteI can imagine why letting all that beautiful china go through your hands makes you happy. Your last post looks beautiful too!
ReplyDeleteLieve groet, Madelief