Last night when we were driving the 25 minutes home from the restaurant, Miss Moo Moo saw a rabbit out the car window. Poor Spunky Monkey was so tired and very quiet, but she was chatting away the whole time and once she saw the rabbit, she did not stop.
I saw a rabbit. I really saw it, Dad. It was a rabbit. Mum, I saw a rabbit. Did you see the rabbit Dad. Did you know that I really saw a rabbit. Another time, I saw a rabbit. Mum, guess what? I saw a rabbit. I really, really saw a rabbit. It was a rabbit. Dad, I saw a rabbit.
As she stopped for breath, not far from home, Spunky Monkey softly asked a question: "Mum, how can you catch the moon?"
Talk about love these kids to the moon and back! I am so in love with their individual personalities.
But back to rabbits. I was laughing to myself when I was getting ready for bed, remembering the car trip home. Then I realised, it was the Year of the Rabbit in Chinese astrology. This morning, I went to see what lay ahead for me this year.
The Ox (that's me)
Sturdy, earthy, no-nonsense – that’s the Ox. Affectionate and easy-going, the Ox can show a fierce temper when agitated. He is neat, tidy, quiet and studious, with a great love of his home. Music can be a great love. Family life and a loving partner are high on the Ox’s priorities. A wonderful loyal friend.
Forecast for 2011 The Ox will have grown quite a bit during 2010. Its whirlwind moments and sudden challenges meant the Ox had to adjust his thinking and change direction on a dime! Some may feel a bit low about the way things went and it’s important to look forward to 2011 and put 2010 firmly behind them. The Chinese Year of the Rabbit will be encouraging for the Ox. For those who wish to change their career or at least change the direction of it, February, March and September will bring exciting offers and progress. Romance is highlighted in a very special way this year, with unattached Oxen finding themselves in exactly the right place at the right time to meet someone very special. For those in a relationship, this will strengthen and grow. June, July and October are wonderful months for love and romance. Friendship will be important during 2011. Whether the Ox is looking for new friends or drawing on friendships he already has, it’s important that he stays socially active. March, August and December will be particularly busy socially. The Ox should take time to ensure his diet is healthy and that he is taking time to exercise and spend time outdoors. Rest and relaxation will be vital for all Oxen during the Year of the Rabbit.This insight came from this website. It was the first one I found and seemed to fit. My body is already telling me that I need to eat better, exercise more, be with nature more and rest more.
Astrology to me, is a bit of fun, read into it what you will.
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