Some more dollies have arrived this week for the Queensland Flood Appeal Dolly Drive. Thank-you Alison.
Alison has made, not one.

Not two. Some for the boys.

But six dolls. And let me tell you, they are a little mischievous.

I love their great hair and individual embroidered faces.

And I especially love the introduction name tag in each one's pocket.
Welcome Tess, Tilly, Tara, Tori, Tom and Tim.
What an exceptional effort. Thanks again Alison.
Perhaps you would like to make a doll or softie for the Queensland Flood Appeal Dolly Drive. There is still plenty of time. The close date is the 18th of March. We would love you to join us. Please read more on my original post.
If you need more time, the close date is flexible, please let me know. I now intend to send some dolls to North Queensland if I get enough. Please read more about this here. Go here, here and here to see some of the dolls/softies that I have already received.
I love the little name tags too..what are the other dolls called? I think the one with the darker dress and the stripey stockings to match is my favourite..just 'cos of those georgeous legs! What a generous lady to make six..huge effort.