Sunday, December 12, 2010

Are you ready for the holidays?

This has been a very long week for me.

I have cooked, wrapped presents, cleaned, scrubbed, made lists, reorganised, cleaned some more and did some shopping. I also soaked, washed, hung, folded and put away five loads of washing. All the while, feeling lousy and blah. Apparently there is something going around. Going to bed at 7:30pm did not help and getting woken up at 4:30am certainly did not help.

I am feeling slightly better now, now that I actually got through the week. Our only school holiday plans are, to take it easy. I am looking forward to baking, craft, play dates and afternoon rests.

I guess we are already in holiday mode.

This morning, Mr Moo and I went out for breakfast, eggs benedict - yum! We hung out at Mum's place for a bit and then, this afternoon, went to a Christmas party. The kids spent practically the whole day in the pool, despite the pouring rain. Day turned into night as we ate and ate. I ate far to many sweet German treats and drank way to much coffee.

It's started, the Christmas indulgence has begun.

Our kids were the only kids at the Christmas party today. With the exception of the time they spent in the pool, about four and a half hours were spent with this box of lego pieces that are over 40 years old. Perfect.


I'd like to welcome Kym, my newest follower.


  1. I have have been doing a christmas spring clean too. We put up a tree today and it is now feeling more like christmas. Love the old leggo.

  2. So great to hear children in the pool, in the rain!! We often have the only children at parties, i secretly use them as my excuse to not get bored with my husband's work functions or they entertain themselves. A pool would be a fantastic escape. My week has been full on too, rolling into Christmas now, love Posie

  3. A wonderful weekend you must have delighted in after such a long week, I too can feel the spirit of Christmas it is amazing how it just turns up suddenly.

    Have a delightful new week. xxx



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