Saturday, December 11, 2010

I'm grateful for...

Today I am grateful for 'thank-you's'

I almost teared up when Spunky Monkey's prep teacher handed me a small gift yesterday. It was so unexpected. It was to say 'thank-you' for being a 'mummy helper' throughout the year. Honestly, I had been feeling a little guilty for not being more involved. However, it became obvious to me, that what seemed like a little bit to me was a lot to someone else.

So I will share this quote with you again:

"Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do little" - Edmund Burke

As I write, I am enjoying my gift. Tea in my new cup, that was filled with santa chocolates, and a handful of different teas.

Shhh.... don't tell anyone, but I'm also eating a santa chocolate too. I haven't even had breakfast yet.

I'd like to also welcome my newest follower, 'Maxabella loves', for who I am also grateful for:)

Go to her blog now to see what other people are grateful for today.


  1. That's lovely. Love the quote too. Will have to remember that one. Have a great weekend. Oh, and Chocolate leading up to and including Christmas Day is meant to be eaten randomly at any time during the day! Enjoy.

  2. Oh how lovely - and I love the quote too. Beautifully written, hope you enjoyed your cuppa x

  3. How cute that you get a helper gift! We never feel as though we do enough but, as your quote says, every little bit helps. Enjoy your Santa! Chocolate Santas are guilt-free you know - it's in the Christmas handbook.

  4. Helpers are so often the unsung heroes of the classroom I think. I'm so glad your efforts were acknowledged. Maxabella’s link up is one of my favourite parts of the weekend. Loved stopping by x

  5. so nice!
    Love the quote, great reminder I must say~

  6. Aw, thanks for noticing me following your blog and thanks for joining in! I'm so impressed that you got a little thank you from your class teacher - that's just so thoughtful.

    You're right - a thank you can really make the world go 'round!! x

  7. So glad I stopped by. Such a cute blog! Someone was definitely grateful for your help this year. I too, often realise that a little help is worthwhile. Definitely better than none. I love Maxabella, and her weekly grateful is the highlight of my week. Happy Grateful Day. xx

  8. Great quote and so true :) Visiting from Maxabellas. Jen

  9. I love the quote! Enjoy your chocs (there was never any doubt you were also enjoying one of those lol). Visiting from Maxabella's.

  10. What a beautiful gift and lovely words. I hope the chocolate tasted great!!

    Lieve groet,


  11. Great quote. It's so true that a little help can go a long way for the person being helped. It's so lovely that you got a gift for helping out, it's so lovely to be recognised and to know that your efforts were so appreciated.
    Stopping by from Maxabella's link up.

  12. thank you for sharing this lovely image!



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