Saturday, December 4, 2010

I'm grateful for...

I have seen 'maxabella loves', I'm grateful for.... on other people's blogs. Today is the first time that I am taking part and will do so every Saturday from now on.

The reason I started my blog was to help myself stop and focus on the little, but very important things in life. The last couple of months have been all consuming, with things that I have not blogged about. And even though I have still been blogging, I've usually been in a rush, just to get the memories down.

I have not been sitting with my thoughts long enough to really take them in. To really be grateful for them.

It's Christmas, so it's easy to be grateful. So incredibly grateful, for all that we have, my goodness take a look around. We have it all. There is no need here.

Today I'm going to tell you about my Christmas tree and all the memories that hang on it's branches. We bought a large Christmas tree with money from our wedding. I won't go into the whole fake tree/ real tree thing now. But let me quickly remind you, that I live in Queensland and tropical heat and pine trees don't mix, believe me I've tried, on more than one occasion.

So back to the tree... A large tree was bought to hold my collected Christmas decorations and one day, the decorations made by my children. Decorating the tree this year, was my vision coming true. The kids are old enough now, that I didn't worry about decorations being broken. They were just as excited as I was, as each decoration was unwrapped and remembered. It used to be just me, remembering which country I had collected an ornament or which friend had given me a certain jingle bell.

But this year it was all of us. Spunky Monkey, remembering the decorations he had made at kindy and daycare, Miss Moo Moo, remembering decorations given to her from her Nanny. It was such a joy to hang a pipe cleaner candy cane, Spunky Monkey had made last year next to a Venetian glass angel, a gift from Grandma. Such care was taken by all of us, as we hung each decoration.

Yes, I am grateful for my Christmas tree and for the love and memories in every one of it's decorations. I am grateful for the beautiful people who have given decorations to me as gifts, many brought home, carefully packaged from overseas and some handmade.

It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Oh, Christmas. It is the season to be jolly!


  1. Hej

    Thank you for you lovely comment and following.
    Good Luck in the drawer.
    What a lovely post, it's such a special thing to be able to do with your children, cherishing and making memories...
    Nice *to meet you*
    Happy Decemeber Days...

  2. A beautiful post, thanks for sharing your memories and thoughts. I love that you are making such sweet memories for your children, I'm sure they will always remember Christmas as such a special time xo

  3. It's a beautiful tree. So unique and I love that there are so many memories attached to each precious ornament.

    Stopping to appreciate the little things in life is why I started Grateful Saturday... it really does seem to help. Thanks for linking up. x

  4. beautiful post and i love your blog! am going to start to follow... ; )

  5. Oh yes, i'm super excited about our tree. My husband wants to surprise the children this year, last year all 4 wanted 4 very different trees, it was ugly at the tree farm, so he'll surprise them!! Love Posie

  6. What a lovely post!! It`s important to stop and count your blessings from time to time. Enjoy your family and weekend!! :)

  7. I am just grateful for "Saturdays"...:)



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