Sunday, January 16, 2011

A happy diversion

Before Christmas, Grandma had organised tickets to see a local production of a "Snow White" pantomime. Grandma, the children and I. The show was yesterday and I have to say it was brilliant. I laughed so hard that my face hurt. It was my first 'panto' and the the kids first play. We have been to plenty of concerts, (wiggles, hi five, play school, etc) but never a play. I wasn't sure how they would go sitting still for so long, but they loved it, they were entranced. Spunky Monkey even commented on how quickly the show was over, but in fact, it was over 2 hours long.

It was a happy diversion, as I have been a bit flood obsessed. I had wanted to jump in the car this morning and go to Brisbane to help clean up. But with a husband sick in bed and a four and five year old at my side, I think I would have been more hindrance than help. I so did what I could do. After slipping off to the theatre for a couple of hours, I came home and sewed, for the auction and for the dolly drive.

Just doing what I can, where I am.


  1. Do I love a panto? Oh Yes I Do. And good on you for doing what you can. If we all do that, we'll get through.

  2. You're doing a great thing for the flood affected people! Good luck!!



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