We have been doing heaps of drawing at our house recently. I love it, I will try not to bore you with too much of it, but I thought that these were something special.
Last night we gave the kids some card and asked them each to draw a picture for their Uncle's birthday, which is today. I was preparing dinner but I was kept up to date with progress reports.
These three are by Miss Moo Moo.
Mummy with Miss Moo Moo in your tummy.
"Mummy, I came out of your wee wee. It must of really, really hurt because you have a little wee wee"
With Miss Moo Moo, my second child, I had an all natural water birth.

Mummy being cut by a knife, with blood all over her tummy. (see the knife off to the right side with the blade of the knife sticking out of the blood)
This picture depicts Spunky Monkey's birth. My first child, he was breached with the cord wrapped around his neck, so he was born by c-section.

This is a happy mummy, all sewn up.
I don't know why this was the theme for her birthday card drawings. Maybe because on their birthdays, I always tell them about their births, and how each of their births were different.
We didn't tell Uncle JJ what the story behind Miss Moo Moo's pictures was. However Spunky Monkey explained to him in great detail, all about his drawing of a bird who's eye had popped out onto the ground.
I don't think you really want to see that one!
Totally unrelated - right now as I write this, Miss Moo Moo is in the playroom singing a made up song about 'carpet burns' to the tune of the song, "Watermelon", by Justine Clarke. I am laughing so much I am crying - tears of pure joy.
Love my kids!
Just thinking of a song about carpet burns has made me giggle. Thanks for sharing!