More softies have been arriving for the Queensland Flood Appeal Dolly Drive.

Thank-you Heather (from Grandma's sewing group) For these three beautiful dolls. Such lovely fabrics and so soft. Perfect for snuggling.

And lets not forget our Kiwi friends and the devastating earthquake in Christchurch. So many lives lost, so incredibly tragic.
Leonie at 'Kiwi at Heart' is organising "Softies for the children of Christchurch" So please go to her blog and add your name to the list of lovely people making softies for the little people of Christchurch.
Perhaps you would like to make a doll or softie for the Queensland Flood Appeal Dolly Drive. There is still plenty of time. The close date is the 18th of March. We would love you to join us. Please read more on my original post.
If you need more time, the close date is flexible, please let me know. I now intend to send some dolls to North Queensland if I get enough. Please read more about this here. Go here, here and here to see some of the dolls/softies that I have already received.
Love your softies - and so glad you are joining in for Christchurch softies too! xoxo
ReplyDeleteMy softie are done... just gotta decide which ones to send where now. Should have them in the post to you this week.
ReplyDeleteI would love to join in if it is not to late.